Stena AB, Göteborg (Gothenburg). 1473 likes · 2 talking about this. Welcome to the Facebook page for Stena AB Group. Stena AB is one of the largest


In October 2019, Stena Bulk announced a joint venture with Swiss Proman Shipping; Proman Stena Bulk Limited. Immediately thereafter, the first joint initiative was announced: an order from Chinese Guangzhou Shipyard International for two methanol tankers.

This requires a holistic perspective – from development and construction to crewing and chartering of first-class tankers. 2021-03-08 At Stena Bulk we’re all extremely proud and excited at the level of interest this design has generated across the industry. It’s been fantastic to read all of your thoughts and comments and engage with many of you directly to discuss our vision for the future of efficient vessel design. In October 2019, Stena Bulk announced a joint venture with Swiss Proman Shipping; Proman Stena Bulk Limited.

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Stena Bulk aims to have a ship with a similar design to the InfinityMAX concept operating on the water by 2035 at the latest. By 2040, Stena Bulk aims to achieve the fourth target in its decarbonisation plan by becoming a fully carbon neutral tanker operator. Trial further demonstrates readiness of compliant and affordable biofuel in marine fuel mix. Leading tanker owner Stena Bulk and GoodFuels, the advanced biofuels pioneer and supplier for the global shipping industry, successfully complete a trial of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)-equivalent Bio-Fuel Oil (BFO) on Stena Immortal.. The 49646 deadweight tonne (dwt) Suezmax tanker received the first delivery Stena Bulk genomförde i går världens första digitala dop. Detta vid invigningen av det nya köpenhamnskontoret.

Stena Bulk // October 23, 2020 SUCCESSFUL BIOFUEL TEST. Stena Bulk has recently conducted a test of ExxonMobil's first marine biofuel. The trial was conducted in commercial operation and included evaluation of onboard fuel storage, as well as handling and use of the fuel in both the main and auxiliary engines.

Stena Bulk ber nu Storbritannien och Irans regeringar att ”hitta en snabb lösning” så att besättningen kan släppas fri. Stena Bulk aims to have a ship with a similar design to the InfinityMAX concept operating on the water by 2035 at the latest.

Stena Bulk // October 23, 2020 SUCCESSFUL BIOFUEL TEST. Stena Bulk has recently conducted a test of ExxonMobil's first marine biofuel. The trial was conducted in commercial operation and included evaluation of onboard fuel storage, as well as handling and use of the fuel in both the main and auxiliary engines.

Stena bulk

10 januari 2018 Nya inbefraktningar för Tanker shipping company Stena Bulk has released details of an electric, modular hybrid bulk carrier which it says is designed to meet the world’s need for sustainable, zero-carbon, efficient and flexible seaborne transportation. Dubbed the InfinityMAX concept, it is designed to carry both dry and wet cargoes in modular compartments.

Maskineriet är tänkt att vara av dual fuel-typ som kan köras både på LNG och konventionella drivmedel, men också med möjlighet till ytterligare anpassningar beroende på tänkt trad eller önskemål från en specifik kund.
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STENA BULK IS PRESENTING THE IMOFLEXMAX Stena Bulk is presenting a prototype of the next-generation product and chemical tanker, the IMOFlexMAX , which will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% compared to modern product tankers. 2019-01-07 Stena Bulk, founded 1982, is one of the world’s leading tanker shipping companies. We provide safe and cost-efficient transports of crude oil and refined petroleum at sea.

READ. 312,600 DWT VLCC Tanker. -MAX P-MAX C- MAX B-MAX N-MAX V-MAX P-MAX C-MAX B-MAX N-MAX V-MA  11 Oct 2012 Stena Bulk, part of the pre-eminent shipping company Stena Group, is a world- leading provider of transportation for crude oil and refined  21 Apr 2015 Gothenburg - Stena Bulk has signed an agreement covering the charter of the LNG carrier Stena Blue Sky for the North West Shelf Project in  24 Jul 2019 All 23 crew on a British oil tanker seized last week by Iran in the Strait of Hormuz are safe and well, the vessel's Swedish operator Stena Bulk  27 Jul 2018 In recent months, Stena Bulk has expanded its fleet in the Sonangol Suezmax pool with the addition of six Suezmax tankers.
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Stena Bulk | 28 600 följare på LinkedIn. With offices in six countries, Stena Bulk is one of the world's leading tanker shipping companies. | With offices in six 

Complete Media  13 nov. 2017 — Stena Bulk omorganiserar befintlig verksamhet under tre affärsområden: Crude & Fuel, Products & Chemicals samt LNG och har utnämnt två  Stena Bulk initierade vid årsskiftet ett projekt där traditionell energieffektivitet och minskad bunkerförbrukning utökades med höjd effektivitet ur en mer  6 nov. 2018 — Stena Bulk-fartyg utsatt för kapningsförsök. Stena Bulks fartyg Stena Imperial har angripits av pirater i Röda havet väster om Jemen.

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– För oss har det varit en väldigt, om man får säga det, positiv utveckling. Sjöfartsnyheter från den svenska och nordiska shippingindustrin.