A B O U T pronounced ay-oh-ko-soo AOKO SU is a contemporary jewelry brand designed and fabricated in New York, USA. Founded by designer, Ash.


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There are many variations in whiffcancelling, the ones listed here (in my opintion) seem the most stable. Note the combos don't use 5[C] before 4[C] midscreen. 2010-06-11 STORE - AOKO Wireless offers top quality cellphone accessories such as cellphone covers, earphones, chargers etc. to vendors all over the country.

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Best moon for corner pressure, with plenty of oppressive options and mixups/frametraps. C: EX lasers. Aoko opens a portal and a lot of small lasers fire out of it. Not sure if there is a practical combo that includes this move and unfortunately Aoko doesn't get BE236C in Half Moon. J236A/B/C Raining Starmine - [rain] - Aoko rains lasers on her opponents from the air. A: A single hit laser that keeps the momentum in the air that Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 111.2 : F-Aoko's OTG pickups. Best in the corner since neutral tech and back tech get punished by the orb, if you think they will forward tech, omit the 214A/B and react to the tech with 2C.

Thats an F-Aoko vid no? If you want a reletively easy combo for C-Aoko, try: 2A 2B 2C 3C j.BC dj.BC tj.BC AT That's: Down Light > Down Med > Down Heavy > Down Forward Heavy(launcher) > Jump Cancel > Jump B > Jump C > Double Jump Cancel > Jump B > Jump C > Triple Jump Cancel > Jump B > Jump C > Air Throw (input as 6E or 6A+D).

This is just a small part of the sequences I know. However, there are many useful sequences. If they respect you too much: C-Aoko doesn't have an exactly great cross up air normal, but do make use of her high/low potential (2B, 6[A], 4C) You can always jump over them and abuse your triple jump and double dash to cross them up with your orb. A number of post throw options for Crescent Aoko are showcased here.

C: EX lasers. Aoko opens a portal and a lot of small lasers fire out of it. Not sure if there is a practical combo that includes this move and unfortunately Aoko doesn't get BE236C in Half Moon. J236A/B/C Raining Starmine - [rain] - Aoko rains lasers on her opponents from the air. A: A single hit laser that keeps the momentum in the air that

C aoko

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Tier: Low Nakamori Aoko is sweet and naive, an innocent, ignorant of her best friend's criminal behavior. But what if she wasn't? She is fire, brilliant, burning fire, and Kaito can't help but fall more in love.

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Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 111.2 : F-Aoko's OTG pickups. Best in the corner since neutral tech and back tech get punished by the orb, if you think they will forward tech, omit the 214A/B and react to the tech with 2C. this is what it looks like. The parts in parenthesis are parts that can be omitted for an adjustment you feel comfortable with.
