ERC Advanced Grants allow exceptional established research leaders to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains. The maximum funding is 2.5 million euros. Awards at Radboud University: Year Who What; 2019:
Har du tenkt å søke ERC Advanced grant (AdG) i august 2020? Forskningsrådet og NTNU inviterer forskere til kurs i å skrive søknad til det europeiske forskningsrådet, ERC. Kurset er også nyttig dersom du planlegger å søke til en senere frist enten det er til AdG, Starting Grant (StG), Consolidator grant (CoG) eller Synergy Grant (SyG).
Research Services invites you to an Advanced Grants workshop on 22 April. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in running ERC workshops and in pre-submission review of ERC Grants. It will provide you with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Advanced Grants scheme, as well The European Research Council (ERC) funding is awarded to leading researchers for pioneering work at the frontiers of science. ERC Advanced grants provide an opportunity to well-established and outstanding scientists having a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years to pursue innovative, high-risk research. 2 dagar sedan · ERC Advanced grants are awarded to top researchers of any nationality, to carry out a ground-breaking, high-risk/high-gain fundamental research project at a European institution, for 5 years. Project proposals are evaluated for excellence and researchers are judged based on their track record over the last 10 years. Size of ERC Advanced Grants Advanced Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years.
Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. The ERC Advanced Grant will provide Lars-Erik Wernersson with EUR 2.5 million over a five-year period. “It is a real honour. The good thing about the ERC is that they give us the chance to conduct applied basic research, in other words the opportunity to explore things without knowing exactly where it might lead. 22-04-2021 ERC Advanced Grants: 209 top researchers awarded over €500m 21-04-2021 The ERC Scientific Council proposes further measures linked to COVID-19 16-04-2021 Starting Grants applications: Facts and figures In the frame of the ERC Advanced Grant project, Daniel Gerlich seeks to develop next-generation technologies to analyze the organization of replicated chromosomes with much higher resolution, using complementary DNA-sequencing and super-resolution microscopy approaches. The ERC Advanced Grant is part of the European Research Councils (ERC).
But the ERC Advanced Grant will enable us to take concrete intermediate steps in the coming five years. In time, we expect a significant improvement in control of smart energy systems and road networks in particular (or the combination of the two). But the results will have much wider applications,
Av 302 totalt beviljade fick sex ERC Advanced Grants är de mest prestigefyllda anslagen till enskilda forskare som beviljas av Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC. Anslagen riktas ERC Advanced Grant-projekt och -forskare. Vi förnyar som bäst vår Jing Tang on yksi Helsingin yliopiston ERC starting grant -tutkijoista. ERC Advanced Grants allow exceptional research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions The 2011 ERC Advanced Grant call was published in November 2010 with deadlines between February and April 2011 and an indicative budget of € 661 Dessa forskare på Göteborgs universitet har fått anslag från European Research Council (ERC).
request to @Vetenskapsradet. More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. Sju forskare i Sverige får ERC Advanced grant. Stort grattis till er!
The maximum award is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration. This does not apply to ongoing projects. Researchers with an ERC grant (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy) that is ongoing or has ended in the last twelve months before 1 January 2020 can apply for a PoC grant. The grants provide up to € 150,000,- for a period of eighteen months. 2 dagar sedan · The ERC Advanced Grants are funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 initiative. Mariya Gabriel , European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: “I am pleased to see more women applying for these prestigious grants – and winning them. Se hela listan på Europeiska forskningsrådet, The European Research Council (ERC), stödjer spetsforskningen inom EU:s medlemsländer.
The ERC grants are highly competitive and an outstanding track record is an important factor of success. As well as the research carried out by the researcher, it is an ambitious program aiming to recognise the best ideas and talents. In the frame of the ERC Advanced Grant project, Daniel Gerlich seeks to develop next-generation technologies to analyze the organization of replicated chromosomes with much higher resolution, using complementary DNA-sequencing and super-resolution microscopy approaches. The ERC Advanced Grant will provide Lars-Erik Wernersson with EUR 2.5 million over a five-year period. “It is a real honour. The good thing about the ERC is that they give us the chance to conduct applied basic research, in other words the opportunity to explore things without knowing exactly where it might lead. The European Research Council ERC is funding the project with an Advanced Grant.
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Researcher in Petrography – ERC Advanced Grant (885040) “Crossreads”, Mendeley Careers, University of Oxford, Oxford and Media and ERC Advanced Grant.
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Peter Hedström at the Institute for Futures Studies has been granted The ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Grant is meant to
ERC:s Starting grant (2–7 år efter disputation) är en finansiering med cirka 1–1,5 miljoner Därtill finns Advanced grants och Proof of Concept. Eva Hemmungs Wirtén har fått klartecken till ett av Europeiska forskningsrådets mest prestigefulla anslag, ERC Advanced Grant. Av de nio ”Advanced Grants” som Europeiska forskningsrådet ERC beviljade för svenska projekt under 2011 gick hela fem till Uppsala
2 PhD studentships (4 years, full time) available as part of the H2020 ERC 2018-Advanced Grant Project "WATER-CULTURES -The Water
ERC:s arbetsprogram publicerat av EU-kommisionen Advanced grant riktar sig till dig som är etablerad forskare. Du kan söka bidrag på upp
Consolidator Grant kan sökas 7–12 år efter disputationen av dig som vill Ansökningar till ERC Advanced Grant berörs inte av ovan stående
Inma Aleixos Borrás, CIRGEN Project Manager (ERC Advanced Grant).
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Dela. Large research grants for established, leading principal investigators who wants It has now been decided who will get an ERC Advanced grant. In total, 209 researchers will share more than 500 million euro. Seven of them have a Swedish host institution.
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Current Horizon 2020 issues · MSCA-IF online training course · ERC Advanced Grants workshop · ERC calls · Apply for an ERC Planning Grant · Other Planning
The Research Council and NTNU invites you to attend a course in Nov 5, 2020 Are you an established, leading principal investigator who wants long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, high-risk project?